Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence for Education

Our expertise in the field of business intelligence help educational institutions in new and exciting ways. We help them improve performance through analysis, insights, and benchmarking. Provides an integrated view of the customer journey across channels and touchpoints, identifying those that are most and least effective in order to build strategies around what is working and what is not.

We help you to

  • Make quicker decisions.
  • Identify new revenue streams.
  • Determine and capitalize on new market trends.
  • Streamline internal processes.
  • Reduce effort and increase productivity.
  • Diagnose problems within the organization and course-correcting.
  • Predict success.

Our BI solutions are used for everything from admissions to optimizing classroom scheduling to even improving student success. Through analyzing trends uncovered through BI, universities, and colleges can implement programs to increase student retention, graduation rates, and career placement. Schools can now even analyze which students are more likely to succeed and target which ones might need more academic support.